Tag Archives: DIY shampoo

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipe

Green living tips

Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver when you don't have time to wash and style your hair. Simply brush on the dry shampoo and it will soak up any excess oil so your hair looks and smells great.

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DIY Organic Herbal Shampoo

Natural Shampoo recipe

Make your own DIY organic shampoo with this easy recipe! Yes, you can and it's super duper easy. That way, you know exactly what's in it and you aren't putting chemicals on your noggin or down the drain.

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15 Green Money-Saving Tips for your Bathroom

I've managed to cut the costs in my bathroom by over $1000 a year (true story!). By switching out my cleaning products, personal products and cosmetics for DIY natural alternatives, I save money and expose my family to fewer chemicals. Add to that my energy-efficient and water-saving savvy and you get a greener, healthier home.

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