3 Biggest Fitness Trends In Canada

According to a 2022 report, Canada is officially the 13th-best country in the world for health and fitness. This is something we’re pretty amazed about because Canada is the country that created poutine! How can anyone remain fit and healthy with delicious cheesy fries available on every corner?

Well, through constant innovation, that’s how. It goes without saying that keeping fit is difficult and requires a lot of hard work, but it also requires constant renewal and change to keep things fresh. No one wants to go to the gym and do the same thing year after year. It’s important to switch things up, champion innovation, and find new ways to keep healthy.

And that’s exactly what Canada has done. To give you some examples, here are the 3 biggest fitness trends that are continuing to sweep Canada in 2023.

Pharmaceuticals For Faster Results

According to a recent survey, 83,000 Canadians – which amounts to nearly 3% of all respondents – have used anabolic steroids over the last year, and this number is likely to be bigger for community weight builders in gyms and health clubs.

This is likely the biggest motivating factor for those choosing to buy steroids Canada. It’s not just professional athletes anymore, but also regular gym-goers who have set their own personal goals, whether those are for better movement, speed, strength, or improved agility. They do, however, require a prescription.

HIIT For Burning Calories

When it comes to actual fitness, there has been a rise in those participating in HIIT – which stands for high-intensity interval training. This has been taken up by many Canadians who have found that they don’t have time to regularly go to the gym, or take a few hours out of their day for other forms of exercise.

It involves short but intense workouts a few times a week, designed to elevate cardiovascular fitness and overall endurance during cardio exercises. This can include high-intensity squats, runs, cycling, rowing, or more. It’s important to note, however, that anyone looking to build their fitness should start at a low intensity and then build it gradually.

Fitness Trackers For Constant Analysis

There’s no doubt that one of the most significant recent health trends in Canada – and the rest of the world for that matter – has been fitness trackers. According to a recent study, whether it’s FitBits or smart watches, wearable fitness technology can be found in nearly 25% of Canadian households. This allows those households to stay on top of their daily activities and have to constantly monitor their health.

This can then help them understand where they are falling behind or where they are pushing themselves too far. It can also help recognise any underlying heart conditions, while also tracking sleep to encourage a more healthy, sustainable sleeping pattern. As the technology gets better, there’s no doubt that even more households will be using wearable technology, helping to push all the benefits of good fitness and moving Canada even further up the list of the healthiest countries in the world!


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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