6 Best Herbs to Ease Anxiety

Guest post by Emily Taylor*

Anxiety isn’t just feeling worried or stressed; it is a serious condition that can have a number of physiological and emotional manifestations. Anxiety isn’t something you can simply put out of your mind and, for those who have to deal with the stress of anxiety on a daily basis, it can be tough both emotionally and physically.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions and can result in:

  • Shakiness
  • Insomnia
  • Faster heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Feelings of fear, panic
  • Cold feet or hands
  • Dry mouth

Are you experiencing any of the above symptoms? Luckily, there are many natural ways to combat anxiety and ease the effects.

natural cures anxiety



This remedy dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Chamomile has a calming effect and can help to ease insomnia. When taken on a daily basis, it helps to calm and sooth the nerves. For people hypersensitive to ragweed, chamomile can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to consult with your physician prior to using Chamomile. Chamomile makes a delicious tea that can be enjoyed at any time during the day.

holy basil for anxiety and insomnia

Holy Basil

Also called as ‘Tulsi,’ it is a member of the mint family and closely related to sweet basil. Holy basil is an adaptogenic, which helps your body to deal with physical and emotional changes. When consumed daily, it helps with relaxation. Holy basil reduces the levels of the stress hormone, corticosterone, in the body. You can get your daily dose of holy basil through dietary supplements.

hops cure for relaxation


Yes, we know what you’re thinking. Although hops is used when making beer, it is also effective in treating insomnia, tension and feelings of restlessness. Combine hops with other herbs like chamomile and passion flower for better results. Hops can be enjoyed as a tea or taken as a supplement.

DIY stress cure


Isn’t it great that something that smells so good can help you reduce anxiety too? Lavender helps to reduce the effects of anxiety and improves sleep. It is also an effective relief for migraines and headaches.

Ease stress with a cup of lavender tea or by putting a little lavender in your diffuser. You can find great lavender recipes for anxiety here.

passion flower medicine

Passion Flower

This striking flower of the passion fruit vine makes a wonderful sleeping-aide. It reduces anxious feelings while increasing gamma amino butyric acid in the brain, which helps to induce feelings of wellness and calm. Enjoy passion flower as a tea.

DIY relaxation cure


Catnip belongs to the mint family and is a strong allay in the fight against anxiety and restlessness. Catnip can eliminate insomnia and improve appetite. Do not consume the catnip that belongs to your cat. Instead, rely on capsule or liquid supplements available from your health food store.


*Emily Taylor has a huge passion for gardening. When she isn’t glued to her backyard or caring for the house, she spends time writing her blog Lovebackyard.com hoping to share her tips and stories to people who want to transform their house into a real paradise.


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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