Category Archives: Foraging

Yes, You ARE Helping to Save the Environment

camping life

Take heart eco-warrior, you really are making a difference. You see, it's not just you giving up straws and reusing your shopping bags, a whole army of people, industries and countries are working with you to change the future of our environment. Here are just a few of the ways you rock:

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How You can Help Train Crows to Pick up Garbage

Crow box

Crows are known to be among the brightest of our feathered friends. So it should come as no surprise that a new startup, Crowded Cities, is enlisting them to help clean up cigarette butts. Yup, these butt-busting birds are fighting litter for treats.

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This Tiny House Comes with it’s own Greenhouse

tiny house living

One of the advantages of tiny houses is that they are smaller than conventional homes and on trailer chassis so they don't require building permits. Having outbuildings and add-ons will give you extra living space without the hassle of permits.

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5 Halloween Candy Alternatives that Won’t Get your House Egged

green living tips

The surest way to get your house egged on Halloween is to hand out carrot sticks or apples. Don’t be ‘that guy’. If you want to avoid the kind of sugar-fueled hooliganism that is the usual result of eating all that candy, there are some healthier options that may just take the hell out of Halloween.

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