Many desirable benefits can be associated with tiny home living, such as a lower carbon footprint, less time cleaning, and fewer living expenses. Though the benefits are many, a lack of space can be one significant disadvantage.
Many desirable benefits can be associated with tiny home living, such as a lower carbon footprint, less time cleaning, and fewer living expenses. Though the benefits are many, a lack of space can be one significant disadvantage.
The summer solstice should be a day when you stop, smell the peonies and feel the gratitude for making one more safe journey around the sun to this marvelous place. Happy solstice everyone. I hope this summer is magical, whimsical and wonderful.
A staycation doesn’t mean a boring week at home, it should mean a fun, interesting and relaxing stay that lets you get to know your city better and do all those things you’ve always meant to, but just couldn’t find the time.
If you're interested in solar power, there are a few issues you should consider before you install solar panels. The location of your home is one of those issues. But how does the Sun's location affect solar panels? Keep reading to find out!
Eeep! its black fly season and if those little critters are taking chunks out of you, there are ways to fight back. Traditional chemical repellents don’t do the trick and are full of harmful toxins, but there are some natural ways to beat back those little beasties.
If you want to extend your indoors to your outdoor area, a backyard makeover can help you actualize it. With the right techniques, you can revamp your outdoor space for better curb appeal. This article outlines four backyard makeover tips.
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