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How to Make Your Backyard a Magical Place This Summer

camping recipes

Summers are made for backyard camping, barbecues, laying on the lawn and looking at the clouds and running through the sprinkler on a hot day. Here's how to make your backyard an irresistible haven this summer using mostly upcycled and recycled items.

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Taste Buds Cookbook is HERE!

Over the last four years, I've been working on Taste Buds, an edible flower cookbook. Many of these flowers are your garden-variety blooms that you probably have in your garden right now--roses, nasturtiums, dandelions etc. Others you know, but may have to do a little foraging to collect like cattails and sumac.

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12 Cheap and Easy Ways to Winterize your Home

Ready, Steady Snow! These green living tips will have you saving: The planet (like a boss) Fistfuls of money on utilities Face by earning mad bragging rights about your reduced carbon footprint. Well played you magnificent green warrior… well played.

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