Tag Archives: forester

Do Bugs Sleep?

green living tips

We know what sleep deprivation does to the human mind and body, but is it the same for insects? Do insects need to sleep in order to function? Are bugs even capable of sleep?

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How to Light a Fire in the Rain and Snow

bushcraft tips

There’s nothing worse than being wet and cold, and a fire is the perfect cure. The trouble is, if it’s been raining or snowing, all the firewood and kindling will be soaking. Luckily, there are several solutions, kindly provided by Mother Nature, that will help you to light a fire in inclement weather and have you warm and cozy in no time at all.

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Trees can Talk, See and Even Fight Enemies

The hills are alive! Ground-breaking research into trees and plants is revealing that they are much more complex and intelligent than we originally thought. Trees and plants can talk to each other, see, share food and even go to war.

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