Meet the mantis shrimp; a spectacularly colorful crustacean which would merrily eat your brains with a nice chianti and a side of fava beans if it had half a chance. In the high school crustacean class of 5 million BC, the mantis shrimp was voted crustiest crustacean.
Tag Archives: freaks of nature
Freak of Nature Fridays: Farting Bombardier Beetles
Meet the Bombardier Beetle. This little stink bug has the best defense mechanism of all; noxious chemical farts. That’s right, get on the wrong side of the Bombardier (Carabidae) and it will spray its poisonous farts in your general direction.
Freaks of Nature Thursdays: Sea Slugs
So the last couple of Freaks installations have been pretty creepy (we’re talking about you blob fish!) so we decided