Tag Archives: green home

When Animals are Jerks

Occasionally, animals get to have a little laugh at our expense. No, don’t worry… they’re laughing with you!


Aquaponics: Grow Herbs in your Kitchen with Fish Poop

eco-christmas tree

Aquaponics is like hydroponics with poop for your green home. Aquaponic systems house plants in small pebbles or stone, but instead of a cocktail of nutrients, the water from your fish tank is pumped through the growing medium. Now your plants are cleaning the water while you fish are feeding your garden.

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Amazing! Plant Sculptures from Montréal Botanical Gardens

They’re big, beautiful and absolutely breathtaking. The eye-popping horticultural exhibits of the Montréal Botanical Gardens are back! Following a 10-year hiatus, the horticultural art exhibition, the Mosaïcultures Internationales 2013 is on at the Montréal Botanical Garden until September 29.

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