Tired of sleeping in boring old bags? Add some comedy to your campsite and bring a little whimsy to your summer sleepovers with these awesome sleeping bag ideas.
Tired of sleeping in boring old bags? Add some comedy to your campsite and bring a little whimsy to your summer sleepovers with these awesome sleeping bag ideas.
Stepping out onto a street in Dawson City in the Yukon Territory feels like you’re on the set of a snowy western movie. This little town comes replete with swing-door saloons, dancing girls and gambling halls populated by men of the wild and woolly variety.
When's the perfect time to purchase a pack of parkas? NOW! That's right as spring sales take effect, get a new parka now and you have something to look forward to next winter. Gearapalooza is back, baby! Green Moxie and Eat Drink Travel have teamed up to test out and recommend the best in winter clothing and gear.
The Guinness Book of World Records describes Fiennes as the ‘World’s Greatest Explorer’ – them’s fightin’ words but they do have a point. Sir Ranulph has broken more world records and traveled to more remote destinations under extraordinary circumstances than any person in the history of adventure travel.
The quinzee is a snow home extraordinaire. Faster to make than an igloo, a surprisingly warm abode for winter camping, and more fun than a barrel of monkeys, the quinzee is the king of natural winter retreats. Our green adventure team has made one for your edification (and of course theirs).
Last winter, I traveled up north to the Yukon Territory in Canada. This far north, the air is rarefied indeed and the truly stunning landscape takes your breath every time you step outside or catch a glimpse of it through an open window. The air is frosty, but the people are toasty and so welcoming that it soon warms the cockles and biggest danger isn’t frost bite: it’s that once you set foot in the Yukon, you may never want to leave.
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