Tag Archives: organic food

Could You Live Off-Grid?

Living off-grid has come to mean more than just removing yourself from the energy grid. Now growing your own food, using renewable energy and supplying your own water are all part of the off-grid experience.

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Organic Gardening Tips to Supersize your Veggie Patch

green living tiny house

When it comes to sourcing seasonal food, you can’t get more ‘locally-grown’ than your own backyard. When you use natural fertilizers and get rid of pests without poison, you are creating natural, organic food for your family (and probably the neighbors too!) Here are some top tips on creating natural fertilizers that will improve the yield of your veggie garden this summer.

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Hunt for your Herbs: Awesome things to do with Dandelions

Green living blogger

There is something about foraging that I find intoxicating. So I googled the benefits of dandelions. Wow! Are you kidding me, so much nutrition and it grows so abundantly, why on earth are we not tapping into this? Learn about the amazing benefits and nutritional value of dandelions. A great green living way to eat organic and local!

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