Tag Archives: save energy

12 Cheap and Easy Ways to Winterize your Home

Ready, Steady Snow! These green living tips will have you saving: The planet (like a boss) Fistfuls of money on utilities Face by earning mad bragging rights about your reduced carbon footprint. Well played you magnificent green warrior… well played.

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DIY Furnace Maintenance

Heating and cooling costs account for around 48% of the energy used in the average home. With spiraling energy costs and more home owners wanting to live sustainably, one of the best ways to reduce your winter hydro bill is to maintain your furnace and ducting.

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How to Save Energy at Home

You’ve heard about the detrimental effects of global warming and want to play your part in saving the planet. But knowing exactly how to do this can be difficult. Luckily, we’ve found some cheaper and easier ways to reduce your energy usage and utility costs.

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12 Super Easy Hacks to Save Energy in your Kitchen

upcycling ideas

With just a few minor adjustments, you can significantly cut the amount of energy you consume. With hydro costs increasing exponentially, we all need to adopt energy-saving habits and trying just a couple of these can result in significant savings.

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