green living

6 Ways to Make Your Patio more Eco-Friendly

Looking for ways to make your outdoor patio look spacious and green? If you want to make it environment-friendly without spending too much, you can follow these simple steps. Going green is actually inexpensive and easy too.  To help you get better ideas, here are some interesting tips:

  1. Create eco-friendly Patio Productions by proving proper drainage for storm water to prevent water damage to your patio and home. The yard should slope away from your home to keep your foundation and basement free from moisture that can lead to mold and mildew.
  2. Try permeable pavers instead of going for concrete patios as these promote proper water drainage. Natural walkways made from cut tree rounds or pebbles are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than bricks or concrete.
  3. Growing indigenous ground covers is an excellent alternative to lawn or concrete. It avoids the fertilization and carbon footprint of a lawn and proves a greener and more aesthetically-appealing option that requires no mowing or watering.
  4. Utilizing your patio space for container vegetable gardens will add to your curb appeal. They will provide a healthy source of organically grown food and look good too.
  5. Focus on upcycled or second-hand patio furniture rather than new sets. This keeps items out of the landfill and reduces your carbon footprint.
  6. There are organic options for patio rugs available. These rugs are made of eco-friendly materials, which are renewable too. Sisal, coir, cotton, jute, bamboo and wool are some popular choices to consider.

Plant deciduous trees around your patio which will provide shade in the summer and let the winter sunshine it. Planting trees improves your air quality and reduces your carbon footprint.


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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