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A Light Bulb Moment: Great Upcycling Ideas

If you’ve still got old light bulbs hanging about and need some bright ideas for upcycling projects, then we’re your lights in shining armor! With these great ideas which you can all do at home, it will be love at first light. Get your family to help you too – after all, many hands make light work. OK, I’m done….

Green living tips

Pirate Ship in a Light Bulb

upcylcing light bulbs

Light Bulb Pendant

DIY green tips

Light Bulb Lamp

Green living home

Glue old Light Bulbs together to make a Rad Lamp Shade
Light Bulb crafts

Painted Penguin Decorations

Green living blog

Make a Terrarium in an old Light Bulb

Light Bulb crafts

Give your Fish a Fancy new Pad

DIY green

Light bulb Earrings

Green living tips

Balloon Light Bulb Art

DIY Ideas

Light bulb vase

Get a great tutorial on how to (carefully!) take the inside out of your light bulb and make a light bulb vase here.

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Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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3 thoughts on “A Light Bulb Moment: Great Upcycling Ideas

  1. Small Footprints

    Oh what great ideas! I especially like the mini-terrarium. This is a great idea for people who want to switch out their light bulbs for Eco-friendly versions but don’t want to waste the old bulbs. I’m so glad that you linked-up in our Meet & Greet … you’ve got a great blog. I’m off to read more!

  2. Pingback: Recycled Light Fixture DIY | The Ananasa Blog

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