Camping recipes bannock

Campfire Cooking Bannock Recipe

Bannock has been a staple among the Aboriginal people of North America for centuries where it was made from moss, lichen, ground plant bulbs, nut meal, corn meal and cattail pollen to name a few. Consequently, there are as many bannock recipes as the day is long.

The modern version of bannock bread, made from flour, is thought to have been introduced by Scottish fur traders and is featured as a highly prized food item in the journals of the Hudson Bay Company and Northwest Company traders.

Today we are exploring a simple campfire bannock recipe from our campfire cookbook that is perfect for the avid camper or campfire chef. You can fry it in a pan, bake it in a dutch oven, pop it on top of a stew like a dumpling or follow the traditional method of cooking over the coals on a stick.

Mix the dry ingredients and keep it in a sealable bag. Just add the oil and water when you are ready to feast.

Campfire bannock recipe

What you need

  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. sugar
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 3 tbsp. oil
  • 1 cup water

Mix dry ingredients. Add oil and enough water to form a firm dough that doesn’t stick to the hands. Leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Divide into six portions and flatten with the palm of your hand to form discs. Select a long thin stick and clean off the end with a knife. Form the dough around the stick.

Scrape some of the coals out from the fire on to the edge of your fire pit. Keep the fire going on the other side of the fire pit to ensure you always have coals. Hold the stick over the coals, turning frequently until your bannock is brown and cooked through.

You can also fry in lard, bacon fat or oil in a pan and sprinkle with sugar as a treat and enjoy with the latest camping utensils.

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Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

Check out our Books!

13 thoughts on “Campfire Cooking Bannock Recipe

  1. Tyler Griffeth

    Great recipe. I hate to be that guy, but suggesting that roasting sticks be procured from nature is not sustainable living.

  2. Historical Trekker

    Really? Like sticks are not ALL OVER? You really think that by taking a stick off of a tree or off the ground is a problem? Stop feeling righteous and just camp like people have been for ages.

  3. Kerry Ann

    My kids and I love this simple recipe, and use it often. We have found that rolling it into a “snake” and then wrapping it around the stick works better for us than making it into a flat disc. Our favourite topping is slathering it in butter and then sprinkling it with cinnamon sugar. So delicious!

  4. Pingback: Lammas Day – Zero Equals Two!

  5. JamesP

    You are indeed that guy. The forest is not a garden and it’s quite natural for a tree to lose a branch. Think the animals are tip toeing around making sure not to disturb the delicate tree? Sounds like you spend too much time in the city.

  6. Pingback: Recipes With Corn – My Blog

  7. Sandra Paulette King

    Tried this today. And LOVE IT. Like a cross between biscuit and tortilla. So simple to make. Thanks a million. We campfire cook all the time and this definitely adds yumminess !!!!

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