How about saving money and the planet? Now that’s something we thought you’d like to know. It’s a good thing we do have a few cool, environmentally friendly ways for you and your business to do that.
How about saving money and the planet? Now that’s something we thought you’d like to know. It’s a good thing we do have a few cool, environmentally friendly ways for you and your business to do that.
If you’ve got no trees or posts in your yard, how can you hang your hammock? Luckily, to help you save money, we are here to help you build your own hammock stand.
Green Living Guest Blog: Bottling Up Our Problems. Our lifestyles today are busier than ever. We’re constantly on the move, which means water is on the move as well. So many of us turn to bottled water because it’s easy, convenient and are told it’s better than tap water. While buying bottled water is often the easier choice, it’s not necessarily the best choice for your wallet, health or the environment.
Marijuana has applications as a recreational drug, as a medicinal drug and as a supplement to help you function more effectively in your daily life.
Let’s take a look at some of the wildest, most beautiful walking holiday opportunities that the world has to offer.
Tiny homes are enjoying unprecedented popularity, but they certainly aren’t for everyone. They offer unique advantages but have some limitations that can be a deal breaker for some. Here are some of the benefits of living in a tiny home as well as the limitations that you can expect.
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