Big Agnes and Outdoor Research gear reviews will help you to choose the right gear for every season. These items are perfect for the winter to spring transition.
Big Agnes and Outdoor Research gear reviews will help you to choose the right gear for every season. These items are perfect for the winter to spring transition.
Hark! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the Tool Library and they're getting even BETTER! Yup, just when you think lending libraries couldn't possibly be awesomer, the Toronto Tool Library drops the mic.
One of the advantages of being a developing continent means you can leapfrog technological advancement. Now new solar power projects are providing large-scale, clean energy which is lighting up Africa, enabling education and saving lives.
Deepest darkest Africa. Most of the continent does not have access to electricity. One of the advantages for developing developing countries
12 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness to make your office the happiest place in the world. Making your office a happy place means changing the vibe and creating a positive atmosphere that benefits everyone. Here are some ideas for small acts of kindness to make the office a healthier, happier place to spend a third of your life.
The Greenmoxie house has been painted a lovely shade of Benjamin Moore Simply White. The custom loft windows we ordered have finally arrived and we're ready to begin installing the fixtures.
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