Category Archives: Foraging

Four Things you can Do with Solar Energy

Solar energy is the ability to capture incoming sunlight and convert it into a clean form of electricity, but it has uses in our world beyond just powering a home or business. In this article, we explore some of the other uses for solar energy.

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Stage 1: Planning the Tiny House

Stage 1: Planning the tiny house

We're building a tiny house! Now that the initial infatuation with our Tiny House Project has dissipated and it's starting to feel real, we've gotten busy planning. We quickly settled on the size — approx. 8' × 24' — and ordered the trailer. Ian took these dimensions and began work on the blueprints.

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What has the Internet ever done for Us?

Let’s start with a big question and then go from there. Today’s big question is this: How green is the internet? To be fair, it’s a question that’s already been asked - not least at a Google sponsored summit in 2013 that included Bill Gates as a keynote speaker. The answer is, perhaps inevitably, not quite as bright, shiny and cheerfully upbeat as all those shiny screensavers would have you believe. Lest we forget, the internet runs on electricity.

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6 (Polite) Reasons to Love Canadians

When you start typing “Canadians are… into Google, it suggests ‘weird’ as an ending to that sentence, but I would like to proffer ‘polite’ as a far more accurate description. I’m not Canadian, but I have been living in the heart of Toronto for nearly four years now and I can guarantee that Canadians truly are the most polite people on earth. Here’s some of the sweet, sweet ways in which they brighten my every day.

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How Volcanoes Make the Most Interesting Wine

The islands of the Azores lie just off the European coast and present a series of experiences unlike any other you will find in the world. These nine Portuguese islands are linked by culture and language, but they each have their own little unique quirks. But by far the most interesting experience for the wine lover is the island of Pico where volcanoes brew a particular heady mix of seafood and wine.

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