Category Archives: Foraging

Innovation is the Winner at the 2015 Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards

This Wednesday saw the culmination of the 2015 Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards where $75,000 in prize money was awarded to entrepreneurs and students who are creating sustainable designs in the energy-conservation sector. Through the awards, Scotiabank hopes to support and encourage those who are creating innovative solutions to help save the planet.

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Brilliant Outlet for Reclaimed Wood and Recycled Metal Pieces

If you’re a regular reader of GreenMoxie then we’re guessing that you believe, as we do, that it’s important to support local artisans; especially the ones that are mindful of the environment. That’s why we built Much like Etsy, we are an online marketplace for handcrafted home goods, art, and mancave items made from reclaimed wood and recycled metal by talented craftsmen.

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Green Clouds in Canada

Data storage facilities are the muddy boots of the web and the C-suite executives who manage these enterprises have a growing responsibility to be green. Yet when it comes to battling climate change its often their staff and suppliers that are the muscle behind their words.

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DIY Father’s Day Gifts that are the Bomb Diggity

If you like you daily man-tenance regimen to be natural, the best way to ensure you aren’t using nasty chemicals is to make it your own damn self. Here is a great guide to everything you need to keep you looking even more handsome. 100% Manly. 100% Natural.

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