Five Fabulously Free Things made with Juice Pulp

Juicing is an effortless way to use up fruit and veg, as well as pack in your five a day on the go. But what happens to all that left over goodness that lies hidden within the leftover pulp? Save money, nutrients and waste by transforming your juice pulp into one of these fabulously free (and embarrassingly easy) recipes:

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Veggie Burgers

Juice pulp, a handful of oats, a tablespoon of flax and a drizzle of oil make the most delicious (and incredibly easy) veggie burgers. Simply mash together with your favourite spices and herbs and shape into burger patties. Beetroot, apple and ginger is a particularly winning combo!

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  1. Homemade fruit lollies

Both fruit and Vegetable juice pulp make amazing homemade ice lollies (popsicles) when added with a little fruit juice and frozen in lolly moulds. Experiment and add a kick with ginger, chilli or fennel.

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  1. Natural facemasks

Mix pulp with yogurt or oil for a quick and decadent natural face mask! Cucumber based ones are soothing and citrus based ones are great for brightening dull skin. Experiment and have fun trying it out!

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  1. Doggy Treats

Give your furry best friend a bit of juice treat and Bake pulp leftovers in small bite size dollops for very easy doggy treats.

  1. Nutrition boost for children

Adding juice pulp to sauces, soups and even cakes is a fantastic way to sneak in some extra fruit and veg onto our little ones plates. I challenge them to spot the spinach pulp smuggled into that bolognaise!

This incredible post was written by the beautiful and talented Trudi from A Lazy Girl Goes Green. Find a wealth of incredible posts on her site here


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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