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How to Plan an Epic Staycation

Slow down your heavy beating heart, my friend.  Put away the technology and seek refuge from your social media jungle. Rest your weary bones by breathing life back into them.  Discover your inner crazy, nourish your creativity and fill your cup.  What you need, you disenfranchised soul, is a staycation.

Your home becomes your fortress of indulgence and the couch your stronghold. The bubbled sanctuary that is your bedroom is impenetrable by the outside world. There is nothing to do but rest, recover, re-connect and bust out those really inappropriate table dancing moves. It’s a marvelous thing, to shut the windows and doors on regular existence and indulge your inner muse.

Here are 10 things you must do to create a sweet ass staycation:

1.   Do Not get out of your pajamas. You can get clean ones though, I encourage that.

2.   Play the music too loud. While your neighbors are at work (suckers), turn up the volume on all your favorite tunes and lip sync yourself silly. Get all the gear you need at

3.   Eat breakfast for dinner and vice versa. There are no rules, be a renegade. Let loose and follow your desires. It’s only food and it’s only a few days.

4.   Keep the coffee pot full and chai tea brewed. Creative restoration requires hot beverages, in constant supply. Don’t let the well run dry.

5.   Go for long walks. Let your blood feel the sweet flow of oxygen renewal and refresh those brain cells. Undo the kinks and luxuriate in cat stretches in warm sunny spots when you return. Walks are designed for wandering minds and busy feet, explore what lays ahead.

6.   Prepare the nest. I have to admit, hibernating in a dirty apartment for a couple days just feels…well, dirty. Clean up your act, make it a space you feel good in. Since this is a staycation, feel free to splurge on a cleaning service to start your holiday off right. 

7.   Stock up. Pretend you’re an insurrectionist, planning a great revolt again a tyrannous establishment.  You need to build up food and drink supplies for yourself and your crew. No one can leave the bunker until the plan of attack is perfected. Get all your favorite things – you’re on holiday after all!

8.   Take a rambling day drive to a place you’ve never been before. Pick a small town not too far away and pack a picnic. The drive should be short and scenic and the trip relaxing. 

9.   Take naps. Any time of the day is good. In fact, you can stay up all night and sleep all day if you choose. It’s your staycation, you can sleep if you want to…

10.  Stay and listen. It’s fun and liberating to free yourself from schedules, work responsibilities and social obligations. However, when you flip the switch on your routine and create space for the wandering mind…you may not like where it ends up. Things have a tendency to ‘show up’ for us in stillness, and this is good. Greet the unanswered questions and squelched desires like a mother welcoming her forsaken son with open arms. Because everything that is a part of us deserves to be acknowledged and loved.

Enjoy your frolic with the uneventful and do it as often as you can. Adventure is grand, but the good stuff arises out of stillness.

Have some suggestions of your own? Write them into the comments section and we will add them to the post. 


Often referred to as a ‘little firecracker’, Mara is an International Yoga Teacher and Holistic Nutrition Expert. She is the founder of Yoga Renegade, a place where Yoga, Food, Travel and Green Living meet. Mara’s free spirit can lead her across the world just for a margarita and nachos on the beach. Yet, her grounded nature and dedication to health guide her back to green juice and a soulful soup. In turn, she will guide you to shed your guilt so you can live a healthy life with pure joy. Nomadic adventurer and wellness devotee, Mara leads programs and workshops all over the world.

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2 thoughts on “How to Plan an Epic Staycation

  1. Mara Panacci

    Thanks Alicia!! I used to fret about staying home because I either didn’t have the funds to travel or I actually didn’t want to go anywhere! Now I look forward to my staycations 🙂

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