Libraries: Not just for Books Anymore

Community sharing is the idea that we pass around resources rather than participate in rampant consumerism. Ride sharing, clothing swaps and upcyling are all examples of how people are pooling, sharing and reusing resources to save money and the environment. Libraries are perhaps one of the oldest examples of community sharing and they are once again fulfilling their role as the center of the community. Many libraries, like the Pima County Public Library in Arizona, are starting a seed library. As more people show an interest in growing their own fruits and vegetables, or even if you just want to grow some flowers, the library is the place to go.

How it works

Visitors to the library can book out the seeds of their choice. They then plant the seeds and reap the fruits of their labors, saving the seeds from the strongest plants to return to the library when the season is over. So what if you are novice gardener? Well if you don’t manage to harvest seeds, the Pima County Public Library is not going to slap you with overdue charges: “Seed Library users will not be penalized if they are unable to return seeds back to the Seed Library at the end of the season; we understand that seed saving is new to many of our community members.” This idea is awesome!

Tool library

Many of you may want to refurbish old furniture because rather than buy new stuff, maybe you want to upcycle something or build something unique from scratch but you just don’t have the tools. Well, Toronto’s new Tool Library is the place to go. When the tool library opens in Parkdale, it will be charging an annual fee (based on income) for use of tools and the requisite training where required. Mastermind of this brilliant project, Ryan Dyment: “We’re offering a place where people can donate their tools . . . that were basically sitting around in their basements rarely being used . . . and access them whenever they are needed,” Dyment says. “Other people who need the tools are having to spend their hard-earned money on buying new tools or renting them at an expensive price, when they (could be) available from a neighbor they haven’t met yet.”

Way to promote sustainability through resource sharing guys! Visit their website to sign up today.

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Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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One thought on “Libraries: Not just for Books Anymore

  1. Pingback: Tool Library in the News! : Toronto Tool Library

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