Need Storage? Think Outside the Box

Green living: Store it Squirrel revolutionizes storage in Toronto

Part of our green living mantra is shared resources and no one does it better than Store it Squirrel. This Toronto-based storage company connects people who have extra space with
those who wish to store goods. If you have an empty nest, an extra cupboard, a free basement or garage, Store it Squirrel can help you make a little extra money while helping out a neighbor.

The concept couldn’t be easier! Storage is expensive and results in urban sprawl and wasted resources which isn’t very sustainable. Green living enthusiast Mikeal Abamoff is changing all that by providing a cheap alternative to traditional storage facilities; “We wanted to offer people a cheaper way to store goods. It’s a great way to promote a sense of community and help neighbors to make connections through sharing with each other.”

Advantages of community storage

This sustainable storage model holds many intrinsic advantages:

  • You pay your neighbor for storage rather than a large corporation
  • Storage with Store it Squirrel is up to 60% cheaper
  • Storage is local which means you reduce travel time and your carbon footprint
  • Resource sharing is a more sustainable model
  • Cheaper storage means you can afford to keep all your favorite stuff
  • A green living model which keeps stuff from the landfill

How it works

Listings are free, so you don’t have to pay to advertise the space you have available. Payments are automated so homeowners aren’t responsible for collecting fees. Insurance options

offer security for stored goods. If you have free space, you simply list it on the Store it Squirrel site. Prospective customers can search for the kinds of space they need on the Store it Squirrel site. This means you can find indoor or outdoor space, heated space and short or long-term storage.

Once you find a space you like, secure contracts outline storage costs and duration as well as accessibility options.
Store it Squirrel is good for the environment as it utilizes resources we already have. It’s good for the community as it helps connect neighbors and gives people a source of income and cheap storage. With cheaper storage options, goods can be kept from landfills and you can save money on having to buy new stuff. Visit Store it Squirrel today to list your storage space or find a great local spot to store your stuff.Need some good karma? ‘Like’ us on Facebook and get more good vibes than you can shake a sharp stick at!

*Feature picture courtesy of


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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2 thoughts on “Need Storage? Think Outside the Box

  1. Ed

    What a great idea for Toronto where so many people need storage! Good to hear that people are beginning to think of creative solutions to a common need.
    I’ve listed some of my space. The process was easy and the site great to navigate.
    If you need storage, check out the available spaces! If you have space, give renting it a try! This is a wonderful GREEN idea! Well done!

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