Whether you are having a backyard barbecue, or a backwoods cookout, these wonderfully simple camping recipes will create some very happy campers.
Whether you are having a backyard barbecue, or a backwoods cookout, these wonderfully simple camping recipes will create some very happy campers.
Fish and chips is a real winner, but when you cook them over the fire, you're in for a herd of happy campers! This camping recipe is simplicity itself and all you need is an egg, some fish and a packet of salt and vinegar chips.
Whether you are heading out for a backwoods adventure or want to cook over your barbecue, this easy campfire bread recipe will take your grill game to the next level.
You can bake this campfire bread in an empty can or use your camping pot. Baking bread is super easy and breaking bread with friends is the stuff warm and fuzzy memories are made of.
My summer camping dance card is already full. I'd like to think it's my charm and wit that get me invited on so many camping trips, but we all know it's this campfire pizza recipe. Making delicious pizza from scratch even when you are four days into a back country camp is a super power.
Yup! That just happened! We would give you another reason to look forward this weekend's campfire cookout. This is a side dish that Ron Swanson would approve of. And yes, these bacon wrapped onion rings are every bit as delicious as they look! And the best part is; this campfire recipe could not be easier to make!