A recent study conducted by a student from the University of Clemson placed a plastic turtle in the road to see how drivers would respond. Out of the 257 cars observed, 7 went out of their way to hit the turtle.
A recent study conducted by a student from the University of Clemson placed a plastic turtle in the road to see how drivers would respond. Out of the 257 cars observed, 7 went out of their way to hit the turtle.
An eco-friendly kitchen is actually quite easy to work towards because there are so many little things that you can do that make a big difference to your personal carbon footprint. It is important to know about some of the simpler things so that you can get started today to make your kitchen a much greener room.
There are two species of dolphins that come in pink; the Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis chinensis) of the Pearl River
Doilies; I’ve never liked them… but when a friend recently gave me a bag full of these little lace layabouts,
Moths may not be as colorful or revered as their butterfly cousins, but they sure make up for it in their caterpillar
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