Tag Archives: Global Warming

Is Work Making you Sick?

green your office

Feeling tired, moody or like you're getting the flu? Poor indoor air quality in your office may actually be making you physically ill. Take green living to the office with you with these tips on how to make your office a healthy environment.

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Study Finds Vegetarians Live 20% Longer

Green living expert

Food industries are enormous contributors to greenhouse gas emissions; especially the meat-producing industries. The study not only found that vegetarian diet produced a third less emissions, but also that the mortality rate for meat-eaters was almost 20% higher. 

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Man plants a 1 360 acre forest

Green living blog

Does it seem that one person can't make a difference? Then you haven't met Jadav "Molai" Payeng. About 30 years ago, when he was still a teen, Payeng began planting seeds on a little sand bar near his home. Payeng wanted to plant the sandbar with trees and create a forest reserve for the wildlife that lived there. 30 Years later he has single-handedly planted a 1360 acre forest.

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