According to the EPA, in just one year, 2014, 12.15 million tons of clothing reached end-of-lifecycle in the US. At this point, they could be recycled, donated, or sent to a landfill. Here's how you can reduce, reuse and recycle your old clothing to save money and Mother Nature too.
Tag Archives: Green Living Tips
Green Living Tips to Try at Home
From the foods you eat to the vehicles you drive, it all contributes to the unfortunate deterioration of the earth and its natural resources. Here are some green living tips that you can try at home to start making a change today:
How We Can Support Sustainability
Your green living contributions are essential when it comes to slowing down the effects of global warming and climate change. So, here are a few thoughts on how each of us can contribute to environmental sustainability while saving our planet is still an option.
8 Easy Peasy Things to do When Life Gives you Lemons
Spring cleaning? Lemons disinfect and cut through oil, so you use less elbow grease. Cocktails on the deck? From bitters to booze, lemons are a must-have for any garden party. Let’s take a tour of the unexpected ways lemons can make your life better this spring season.
How to Deal with Harmful Airborne Toxins in your Home
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that the quality of air indoors is about 2 to 5 times worse than the quality of air outside. We help you to choose an air filter that will make your indoor air easier to breathe.
Here’s Why You Should Always Clean Up After Your Dog
Pet droppings can cause a lot of trouble if not handled properly. The best advice is to get rid of dog poop by disposing of it in any nearby pet waste disposal station and here's why;