But are electric cars really better for the environment and is it worth considering getting one? In this blog post, we'll explore the environmental benefits of electric cars and whether or not you should consider leasing an EV.
But are electric cars really better for the environment and is it worth considering getting one? In this blog post, we'll explore the environmental benefits of electric cars and whether or not you should consider leasing an EV.
In the US alone, 500 million straws are used every day. Single-use plastics are the scourge of the earth as they never fully degrade. Here are some ways you can stop sucking and break your drinking straw habit.
Trump Forest asks people to donate to tree-planting charities to counteract the climate-change contributions the Trump administration is creating through rolling back legislation designed to prevent greenhouse gases.
Since we know you have better things to do than wade though all 645 pages of the EPA Clean Power Plan, we’ve condensed the most important points here so you can impress your friends and dazzle your co-workers.
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