Take heart eco-warrior, you really are making a difference. You see, it's not just you giving up straws and reusing your shopping bags, a whole army of people, industries and countries are working with you to change the future of our environment. Here are just a few of the ways you rock:
Tag Archives: Meatless Mondays
Combat Climate Change with these 3 Simple Solutions
Climate change is real and causing havoc through natural disasters across the planet. If you think the situation is hopeless, you're wrong. There is much you can do to help combat the effects of global warming and climate change.
3 Easy Mouthwatering Meatless Monday Meals
If you want to eat healthier and save money while reducing the greenhouse gases from factory farming, then Meatless Mondays are an easy way to add one veggie meal to your weekly planner. Here are some super-duper Meatless Monday recipes that are fast, easy and delicious too!
Meatless Mondays and Test-Tube Meat Prevent Global Warming
Green living debate – would you eat meat grown in a test tube? By Nikki Fotheringham Cows release between 70-120