green living tips

Take a Pledge = Plant a Tree

Tentree will be planting a tree for every person who pledges to give up plastic products for Earth month. As the world counts down to the largest environmental movement to end plastic pollution on April 22, tentree is encouraging people to give up plastic products for the month through their user-friendly #PledgeAndPlant website, and in return, will plant a tree for every person who joins the movement.

It’s simple! Just visit the #PledgeAndPlant website and choose one of the 4 pledges:

  1. Give up styrofoam cups
  2. Ban plastic cutlery
  3. Ditch plastic bags
  4. Stop sucking! No plastic straws.

An online community service team will be available to support people who have any challenges with keeping their pledges. “We want to debunk the myth that reducing your impact means giving up everything you love, and that instead, making a small choice like giving up styrofoam cups can make a major impact.” says tentree’s Creative Director Arthur Kononuk.

Tentree works with NGO’s like Eden Reforestation Project and Plant With Purpose to plant trees in countries around the world including Madagascar, Nepal, Haiti, Senegal, USA, and Canada. The #PledgeAndPlant trees will be planted in Madagascar where tentree and Eden Reforestation Projects work to provide locals with a sustainable employment by reforesting the coastline with Mangrove trees. Trees are planted along the coastline to protect the villages from tropical storms, restore fishing habitats, and provide a sustainable source of firewood and building materials. With ongoing employment, the planters are able to feed their family, purchase much needed medicine, and have together, built the first elementary school in village history.

The trees are not just restoring ecosystems, they’re saving lives. “Being a part of helping to mobilize the world to reduce their impact is at the core of what we do. We are committed to using 100% recyclable materials and are focused on innovative ways to build our products with environmentally friendly materials. Planting a tree for every person who makes a pledge to give up plastic for the month is our commitment to being a part of the larger global movement to create a healthier planet for everyone.” says CEO Derrick Emsley To date tentree has planted 20 million trees and aims to plant 1 billion by 2030.

Visit the Pledge and Plant website today to make your pledge. 


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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