The diminutive brain may only occupy a wee 2% of your body weight, but it consumes 20% of your recommended daily calorie intake. Your finely-tuned thought machine runs on glucose which cannot be stored in the bloodstream. This means you have to have a constant supply of glucose, vitamins and minerals to power your brain or it starts to falter. If you don’t feed your brain, a lack of concentration and memory loss will render you less than sparky. The moral of the story? Feed your brain or become a zombie. If you have a morning class, a big exam or a presentation to give, you can improve your performance by 20% just by having a good breakfast.
Eat yourself smart by opting for these brain-friendly foods:
- Wild salmon: Packed with essential fatty acids (most notably Omega-3) and a good source of protein.
- Akai berries: Packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and protein, Akai berries even have omega-3 fatty acids.
- Whole grains: bran, whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice and wheat germ all contain Vitamin B6 and folate. Folate helps to increase the blood flow to your brain.
- Eggs: Egg yolks provide protein and choline. Choline helps to build neurotransmitters and proteins help to fuel the brain.
- Flax Seeds: The best source of alpha-linolenic acid.
- Leafy Veggies: like spinach, kale and cabbage are crammed with vitamins B6, B12, Iron and folate.
- Sage: Prevents acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory, from breaking down in the brain.
- Walnuts are a great source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which improve mood. They also contain thiamine and magnesium which improve your memory.