Yummy Warm Winter Drinks that don’t Contain Caffeine

pic by Corey Moxon

There’s more to fill your cup then the traditional caffeinated fare, and it would be a shame to miss out. Most of us who lust after another coffee are just reaching for a warm beverage of sorts, one that will satisfy a creamy or robust flavor craving. Next time you get the urge (for a warm drink), try one of these easy green living combos instead.

It’s best to ensure that you have alternative ingredients and options at the ready both at home and in the office. Herbal teas are always safe, but here are 5 green living recipes that will knock your socks off.

Coco-Banana Smoothie

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Tbs.p organic cacao powder
  • 1.5 Cups coconut milk
  • Dash of cinnamon

The creaminess and sweetness of coconut milk, cacao powder, banana and a dash of cinnamon is guaranteed to send you on a bliss train. After blending, warm your heavenly drink up and enjoy by the fire, under your cozy knit blanket.

Dandelion Brew

Roasted dandelion root has been long revered as a coffee substitute and kidney cleanser. It has a dark, earthy flavor with a slightly bitter undertone. If you are ambitious, you can dig up your own dandelion roots in the Autumn (from an area away from pollution). Wash, dice and roast your roots in the oven until they brown and crispy. They will keep very well in a tightly sealed glass jar. You can also buy dandelion root from a health food shop.

Put 2 Tbsp of root in 1L of filtered water and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. You can add your milk and sweetener of choice and enjoy in a rustic cup. The leftover mixture can be saved in the fridge for up to 3 days and the roots added to rice or salad.

Matcha Tea Latte

Matcha is high quality Japanese green tea that has been ground into a powder. Although it does contain some caffeine, it’s so high in antioxidants that I’m willing to show the matcha some love and include it here. It comes in small quantities and a little goes a long way.

Put a teaspoon of matcha in a wide mouth cup or small bowl. Pour about half a cup of just boiled water into the cup and use a small whisk to dissolve the powder. Fill your cup ¾ full with more water and add warm almond or coconut milk to the top. Sweeten with honey or pure maple syrup.

The Blissed Out Balancer

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb used to stabilize our hormones and help us adjust to stress. It is also used as an adrenal tonic, which is really helpful if we are trying to drink less coffee. You can usually find Ashwagandha (withania) powder in your health food store, from your local herbalist or online.

This drink is a bit bitter and best taken as a before bed ‘tea’. Bring ½ cup of water and ½ cup almond milk to boil. Add 1 tsp of Ashwagandha powder and mix well, simmer together for 5 minutes. You may add some warming spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg and sweeten with a touch of honey. You will most certainly feel warm and calm right after, ready to sleep and dream well.

Cran-Apple Cider

The non-alcoholic version, for these purposes, is a delicious warm winter drink that everyone can enjoy. You can make your own mulled Cran-Apple Cider by bringing 1L of liquid to boil, then turn down to simmer with whole cloves, nutmeg, 1 cinnamon stick, orange slices and a handful of raw or frozen cranberries. This requires a fancy glass for maximum enjoyment.

Drink on, my winter-loving friends.

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Often referred to as a ‘little firecracker’, Mara is an International Yoga Teacher and Holistic Nutrition Expert. She is the founder of Yoga Renegade, a place where Yoga, Food, Travel and Green Living meet. Mara’s free spirit can lead her across the world just for a margarita and nachos on the beach. Yet, her grounded nature and dedication to health guide her back to green juice and a soulful soup. In turn, she will guide you to shed your guilt so you can live a healthy life with pure joy. Nomadic adventurer and wellness devotee, Mara leads programs and workshops all over the world.

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3 thoughts on “Yummy Warm Winter Drinks that don’t Contain Caffeine

  1. Nikki Fotheringham

    Oh thank you so much for raising such a beautiful, incredible lady! We are just crazy about her!

  2. Pingback: Decaffeinated Warming Drinks - Yoga Renegade

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