recycling old books

10 Awesome Ways to Upcycle Old Books

Don’t throw out your old books! You can upcycle them in a number of wonderful ways to make creative conversation pieces around your home and office. These upcycling projects also make great gifts!Upcycled book bar

This upcycled book counter is very helpful. Upcycled book shelf

Use one book or several to make upcycled book shelvesUpcycled butterflies

Recycle old books to make these cute butterflies. Upcycled clock

Use old books or book covers to make upcycled clocks. Upcycled knife block

Old books make the perfect upcycled knife block. Upcycled night stand

Paint old books to make a nifty night stand. Upcycled paper mache

Paper mache is a wonderful way to make new things from old books. Upcycled safe

Old books make a great Hideaway spot for your valuables.Upcycled stool

Glue a stack of upcycled books together with a cushion on top to make this great stool. Upcyled wreath

Roll up pages to make this great upcycled wreath.



Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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