organic lipstick review

Best Natural Make-up Review: Lipsticks

I love the smell of lipstick in the morning. I was an avid wearer of lipstick until I learned of all the things that went into it. Heavy metals including lead, cadmium, aluminium, mercury and antimony are common lipstick additives. Formaldehyde and parabens also also lipstick chemical additives that can cause health issues while animal additives like fat and crushed up Cochineal Beetles (Dactylopius Coccus) for red coloring give me the willies.

Yup, that’s not even considering that many brands are tested on animals. Thankfully we can rely on some organic, natural brands to provide cruelty-free lipsticks that are natural. We recently asked our staff and readers to test a few brands and give us their favorite picks.

Lisa J: I don’t normally wear lipstick, actually. It’s a combination of not wanting to expose myself to chemicals and because they just don’t stay put. I like a natural look, so I went for Gabriel Cosmetic’s Illusion Lipstick and I am converted. It still looks natural, but I love the way it feels on my lips. They look fuller and healthier and it even lasted a full 5 hours. This gets my vote!

Editor’s choice: My skin tends to be acidic, so one of my biggest problems is getting lipstick to stay around. I tried several brands, but the one with the best staying power was definitely Zulu Luxe. I loved the Passion Flower and Creature shades of this lovely lipstick.

Janet L: I love Gabriel Cosmetics Tropical Pink. I think the thing I love most about this is the way it feels on my lips. It’s more like a balm than a lipstick and it really moisturizes my lips. It’s not too shiny (which I hate) so it looks more natural. I love one layer for work days and I add an extra layer for going out at night. Try it, you’ll love it!

Sarah P: As a vegan, I have to really search for lipsticks that are cruelty-free while also containing no animal products. Of all the lipsticks I have tried, Zuzu Luxe is my favorite range. Vino De Amor is my signature color and I highly recommend this product!

You can also make your own lipstick using our recipe here.

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Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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