Category Archives: DIY & upcycling

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipe

You know that the day you're running late for work and have an important meeting is precisely the day that you'll look in the mirror and realize you forgot to wash your hair. Unless it's a meeting with a 90's grunge band, your greaseball hairdo isn't going to go down well. Fear not! We've got your back. This dry shampoo recipe is just the ticket to get your locks looking luscious.

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Great Ways to Upcycle Cardboard Boxes

green living DIY

Pet beds, pinhole cameras and box forts are just some of the creative ways you can upcycle your old moving boxes. While recycling is a good way to reuse cardboard, you can reduce the carbon footprint even more by upcycling it yourself.

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Feng Shui for the Broke and Lazy

green living tips

You need to revamp your space to mitigate the miasma of laziness and lack of money that pervades every cobwebbed nook and dust bunnied cranny of your lovely home. Trouble is; you're too broke to afford a ritzy Feng Shui consultant or too lazy to learn the intensely complex art—it’s a pretty vicious circle. We are here to give you some DIY feng shui crib notes to balance the energy in your room and to get those juices (and cash) flowing.

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