I'm not talking about those scraggly little bushes that manage a few insipid fruits that the bugs get to first. I'm talking big booty tomatoes that are bursting with flavor and juice. Growing your own tomatoes can be really rewarding and, if you keep it organic, the taste will blow your mind! Here's how...
Your backyard could be an oasis for your family and the local wildlife. You can provide a home for birds, insects and bees with very little effort. Here are some very practical and inexpensive ways to transform your backyard into a magical place for you and your family.
Every year, homeowners across North America delight in the birds that visit their yards. If you enjoy watching birds, you can help to protect them by participating in citizen scientist projects that help create databases of bird activity.
Want to be so good at breakfast you never camp alone again? Then this recipe from our book “Food on Fire” will make you the Champion of Breakfasts. If you want to see an extended version with more fillings, see our video here:
Take half a pack of bacon and lay it down on parchment paper if you are baking in the oven, or foil if it’s going on the fire. Now take the remaining strips and weave them through the pieces on the foil. Go over and under the pieces so you get a perfect bacon weave. Now you can add fillings. In this video we use 4 scrambled eggs, salsa and cheese, but you can add just about anything. I’ve put in peppers, fried potatoes, avocado, onions and even chilies. Whatever catches your fancy goes in your breakfast roll! Once your fillings are in, fold your parchment paper or foil over to close the bacon breakfast roll. Tuck in the loose ends. Wrap in foil and bake for 15 minutes on each side on a campfire or place on a baking tray in the oven at 400F and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
I woke up this morning to find that summer had slipped in quietly during the night and made itself at home; a most welcome houseguest. And as I took my morning walk in the sultry air, the usual birdsong was joined by the white noise of cicadas and the pervasive buzz of lawnmowers. And that is what I wanted to talk to you about today; those buzzing mowers.