tiny house tips

How to have a Green Pregnancy

Of course you want to be happy and healthy during your pregnancy and you know that toxins in your environment can affect your baby’s health. Although it’s important not to get too paranoid, there are some practical tips to minimizing the toxicity of your pregnancy.

Planning ahead
Have as much dental work done as you can prior to your pregnancy and have your amalgam fillings replaced where possible.

If you were planning renovations to accommodate your growing brood, then complete them prior to conceiving. Older building materials contain toxins and houses built prior to the 1970s can contain asbestos or lead paint. Opt for low VOC alternatives in both building materials and floor and wall finishes.

Put in a range hood if you have a gas stove. Cooking with gas releases a number of toxic gases into your home. Read all about it here.

In addition, as you are getting all the baby products ready for the new arrival, take some time to consider that the items you are buying are all mindfully manufactured with clean fabrics, as those at Nuna are – click here for info. You want everything to be suitable for both you and the baby through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Avoiding Chemicals
Avoid aluminium. Don’t cook in aluminium pots or use deodorants and antiperspirants that contain aluminium. Find a super natural deodorant recipe you can make yourself using only two ingredients here.

Eat organic whenever you can. Be especially cognizant of the ‘dirty dozen’; the fruits and vegetables which contain the most pesticide residue. You can find a list of these here.

Eat free range, organic chickens, eggs and meat. Animals bred for eating are often fed hormones and antibiotics to increase growth and reduce diseases.

Don’t dye your hair. Hair dyes contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful. Use veggie hair dyes instead as they are kinder to you and your hair.

Use organic cleaners. Many astringent cleaning products are packed with harmful chemicals. In fact, you can use everyday household items like lemon juice and baking soda to clean most surfaces. Get recipes for all your cleaning needs here.

Cosmetics do contain harmful chemicals, but you can make your own natural lipstick, mascara and eye shadow.

Baby Renos
Are you redoing the baby’s room? Use VOC-free paints and flooring to ensure that the indoor air quality is not compromised. Infant beds and bed linen are often treated with fire-retardants that do more harm than good. Read all about it here.

Homes for sale in Rio Rancho.


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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  1. Pingback: Green Living: Chemical Fire Retardants do more Harm than Good

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