Here’s a video and some still photos of the reclaimed windows we bought on Kijiji for $650. The large living room window alone had a price tag of $3800. We scored big time (saved thousands of dollars) as these windows were salvaged from a 1 year old renovation and in mint condition. There will be an incredible amount of light in our tiny house design and because we are not puncturing the roof with skylights, the foam insulation in the roof and walls will be able to do their job and keep it’s occupants nice and toasty.

This is the west side of our tiny house. What do you think of our large living room window?

This is the north side of our house where the bathroom window resides. The loft area will also have an 5′ x 18″ window installed just below the rafters.

This the east side of our tiny house and you can see our kitchen window and the second living room window.

Here’s an interior shot of the windows installed in the living area. Also you can see the rafter open before we install the roof.
Pingback: Installing windows in our tiny house project – Conscious Endeavour