Experts say that a new boiler, or at least one still in warranty, can boost the value of your home by up to 2%, so this is certainly worth considering if you are looking at a boiler repair job over a new boiler installation.
Experts say that a new boiler, or at least one still in warranty, can boost the value of your home by up to 2%, so this is certainly worth considering if you are looking at a boiler repair job over a new boiler installation.
You have the power to create your own incredibly rich soil with the scraps from your kitchen. Mastering the 'dark art' of composting is like having a super power. It not only makes your home greener, it also takes the sting out of throwing away food that has passed its sell-by date. And come the spring... you'll use your old food to create new food! Here are some great ideas for DIY compost bins on the cheap.
In a job you don't enjoy? Not sure what to do next? If you’re thinking; “I don’t know what I want to do with my life, but it’s definitely not this,” here’s how to go about finding the right career for you.
Rest easy germophobes! In this era of superbugs when hand sanitizers may be just as lethal as the germs you are trying to combat, we have got your back. We have developed an easy, effective hand sanitizer made from natural ingredients.
Adding a bit of green to your office can make a world of difference. Not only do some plants help to purify the air within the office, but they can also improve employees’ mood and productivity. Plants can also act as sound barriers – so you may wish to surround your noisiest colleague’s desk with them!
We can do much to help the fireflies thrive by providing a little oasis for them in our own gardens.
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