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5 Best Natural Ways to Get Rid of Fleas on your Cat

get rid cat fleas naturally

Arg, fleas! Those pesky little pests that will drive you and your pets mad come late summer. If you don't want to carpet bomb the house and your furry friends with poisons, there are ways you can rid your home and cats of fleas naturally.

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The Must Have Glamping Accessory of the Season


Now and then you just need to “get away from it all” and escape the close confines of the city to the great outdoors. Maybe you want to do the whole Grizzly Adams routine and live off the land. Maybe you’re more the glamping type.

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Sublime Red Dog Upcycled Cigar Guitars

The blues were born in the back streets on cigar box guitars crafted by the musicians who pioneered the art on the only materials they had available to them. A little-known fact since these iconic instruments have all but disappeared from popular music. Now one man stands against the Guitar Hero tide of technology to keep the lost art alive.

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The Hidden Dangers of Snacking


If you have children, you’ll know that snacks are required for any activity that exceeds thirty minutes. Snacking has not always been part of our daily routines, but both parents and children crave the processed foods that provide a welcome reprieve in our busy lifestyles. There are, however, inherent issues with grazing.

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