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12 Super Easy Hacks to Save Energy in your Kitchen

upcycling ideas

With just a few minor adjustments, you can significantly cut the amount of energy you consume. With hydro costs increasing exponentially, we all need to adopt energy-saving habits and trying just a couple of these can result in significant savings.

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Embracing Green Living: 3 Ways You be More Eco-Friendly and Save

green living hacks

These hacks are simple and budget-friendly ways to encourage people to embrace the green living lifestyle in and around their homes. With the abundance of resources and ideas, you can limit your impact on the planet and upgrade your home to be more efficient. So why not get started today?

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3 Totally Awesome DIY Bike Lights

Well Ta friggin DA! Try these easy-to-follow DIY upcycled bike light instruction guides and turn your doh! bike into a glow bike in just a couple of easy steps. LED, ELwire and solar powered!

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The Environmental Impact of Light Pollution

green living

A third of the world’s population can no longer see the Milky Way. In the US alone, wasted lighting releases 38 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, with 1.2 million tons of this coming from unshielded outdoor lights.

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10 Ways to Get Rid of Slugs Naturally

slug trap

Slugs are amazing creatures, and cute too, until they are decimating my lettuce. While I don’t want them around, I shy away from anything chemical that will kill beneficial insects or make my garden toxic, so here are some tips for getting rid of your unwanted slimy slugs naturally.

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