Tag Archives: eco-friendly

Can Virtual Reality Help Save The Planet?

virtual reality climate change

Virtual reality could help to educate people about climate change and help to save the planet. This is the focus of an initiative launched earlier this year, in which HTC launched a $10 million fund for “content and technologies that will drive sustainable development” around the world.

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DIY Seed Bombs for Guerrilla Gardeners

A staple in the green living arsenal, the seed bombs are ready made planting factories just waiting for a friend to toss them in a bit of dirt (then again, who isn’t?) These clever little creations are seeds which have been encapsulated with soil and bound in clay. If you are walking down the street and spy a little crack in the pavement, just toss your seed bomb into any crevice or patch of soil you find. With the first rains, your seed bomb will bloom into a lovely flower, veggie or herb. Here's how to make your own...

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Natural Herbicides for Lawns, Paving and Gardens

green living tips

Want your kids to roll around on the grass and play safely in the garden? Want your backyard to be a haven for pollinators, birds and butterflies? Then we’ve got just what you need – natural herbicides that are eco-friendly, easy and cheap!

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