The female blanket octopus is immune to the sting of the Portuguese Man-o-War jelly fish. She rips the stingers off those suckers and uses them as whips for anyone who dares to threaten her.
Tag Archives: green home
A Lazy Guide to Buying Vegan-Friendly Shoes
Being completely oblivious to the latest fashion trends has its benefits. I spend very little money on clothes, happily avoid changing-room mirrors and I only have to upgrade my clothes and shoes when they are literally falling apart. Win win!
US Solar Installations Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
Are you considering a solar panel array for your home or business? Firstly, well done friend of Mother Nature… we salute you! And while your intentions may be good and you want to start saving money on those monthly utility bills, the process of choosing the right solar installer can be a daunting one.
DIY Sprouting in a Mason Jar
Sprouts are an incredibly healthy way to eat nuts, grains and beans. You can make your own at home with just a Mason jar and a scrap of fabric. Just 48 hours to fresh, yummy, eco-friendly sprouts!
Green Living Show Giveaway!
The first 3333 Green Living Show attendees each day who live in Toronto will receive a FREE $40 TrickleStar Smart Power Bar from Toronto Hydro. Attendees who bring in e-waste for recycling will receive the upgraded $100 Smart Power Bar plus get free admission!
The Sharing Depot: Canada’s First Library of Things
Hark! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the Tool Library and they're getting even BETTER! Yup, just when you think lending libraries couldn't possibly be awesomer, the Toronto Tool Library drops the mic.