Tag Archives: green home

A Quickie With My Food Boyfriend

green living blog

What if we treated eating the way we treated sex? What if you took the time to get to know and understand what you are eating, or where your food comes from to gain a better appreciation from it? We know when we spend time on foreplay, the payoff is more satisfying. Why should it be any different with food?

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DIY Upcycled Cocktail Umbrella Lamp


Cocktails were drunk and fun was had by all, now you've got a phalanx of umbrellas (yes, that's right, a phalanx - I looked it up!) You can upcycle those happy little cocktail umbrellas to make a gorgeous lampshade as a memento to good times.

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Your Momma! Best Mother’s Day Gift List EVER

Green living blogger

It’s that time of year when you get to give a little back to the lady who gave you life. This year, put a little added love into your gift by making it a green one. Here is the Greenmoxie list of great green living gifts for mums.

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Hunt for your Herbs: Awesome things to do with Dandelions

Green living blogger

There is something about foraging that I find intoxicating. So I googled the benefits of dandelions. Wow! Are you kidding me, so much nutrition and it grows so abundantly, why on earth are we not tapping into this? Learn about the amazing benefits and nutritional value of dandelions. A great green living way to eat organic and local!

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Man plants a 1 360 acre forest

Green living blog

Does it seem that one person can't make a difference? Then you haven't met Jadav "Molai" Payeng. About 30 years ago, when he was still a teen, Payeng began planting seeds on a little sand bar near his home. Payeng wanted to plant the sandbar with trees and create a forest reserve for the wildlife that lived there. 30 Years later he has single-handedly planted a 1360 acre forest.

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