Green living blogger

Your Momma! Best Mother’s Day Gift List EVER

Pic by Grazzi Daverro

It’s that time of year when you get to give a little back to the lady who gave you life. This year, put a little added love into your gift by making it a green one. Here is the Greenmoxie list of great green living gifts for mums.

It’s the thought that counts

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Sometimes, you don’t need to spend money to make mum’s day. Try spring cleaning the house, planting her a brand new flower garden or washing her car. Cooking a meal is always a fav, but add a little something special and make it el fresco! Have a picnic in the park or dinner in the garden replete with candles and table cloths.

Mothers value memories above material possessions, so make some with your mum this year. Have a movie night, take her to the theater, go to the art gallery or go skydiving together.


upcycling ideas

I love these upcycled book purses from Novel Creations on Etsy. You can upcycle your own with these DIY book purse instructions.

Green living blog

Make your mum some natural eye shadow from stuff you already have in your kitchen (Ok, so maybe only I have arrowroot in my kitchen but you can get it from your health food store). Get this recipe here.

Buy your mum a DIY makeup book with recipes for everything from mascara to foundation. A natural beauty cookbook for those who care about their skin. Get your copy of Eat My Make Up here.

Upcycling ideas

This Cotton Tunic Dress from KooCoo Karillo on Etsy is made from bolt-end fabric and is perfect for the mum who likes to keep cool this summer.

Buy all the wine and chocolate!

Wine and chocolate parings are the bomb and every deserving mum needs several of these. We have some really great green choices for you to choose from.

Green living blogger

Try Durbanville Hills which practices waste water management, is working to conserve the South African vegetation known as Renosterveld and is accredited by the ISO 14001; the environmental standard to help organizations protect the environment. They follow sustainability standards with the farming of wine and have a social program which sees a percentage of the selling price going to the Worker’s Trust to uplift the community.

Green living blog

Place in the Sun wines are also an excellent choice for the green living enthusiast. Their wines are fair trade and pair really well with Camino fair trade chocolates. My favorite is the 80% Panama extra dark which pairs really well with a strong red wine.

Growing gifts

green living blog

Order these mason jar planters from Etsy or make your own. You can also use vases to plant terrariums or make these awesome glass mushrooms with bowls and vases.

Green living garden

Plant a tree for your mum, in fact, you can plant a whole forest. Reforest the Amazon or buy trees for struggling communities and if you buy some every year, you will have planted a forest in no time at all. This is a great way to fight climate change and offset carbon emissions. Here are some sites where you can gift trees:

Trees for the Future

Plant a billion trees

World Land Trust

The National Forest

Ditch the Gift wrap

Green living blog

Make your Mother’s Day greener by dispensing with the gift wrap and cards. Use a scarf to wrap a gift or reuse an old gift bag.

Green living tips


You can write a thank you note to your mum on homemade paper – get the DIY green guide to homemade paper here or try these upcycled fabric cards on Etsy.

Upcycled Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

You can make mum something special that doesn’t impact the environment. Here are some great ideas for upcycled mother’s day gifts.

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Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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