Tag Archives: green home

It’s Tool Time in Toronto!

Toronto Tool Library is a shared resource for the local community. Remember the days when things were built to last and when something broke you fixed it yourself? Me neither, but I have heard stories. There is something innately wholesome and profoundly satisfying about building something yourself or raising your toaster from the dead. Ryan Dyment, tool enthusiast and economic savant, take this thinking a step further.

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Guest Blog: 5 Ways To Green-ify Your Kitchen

An eco-friendly kitchen is actually quite easy to work towards because there are so many little things that you can do that make a big difference to your personal carbon footprint. It is important to know about some of the simpler things so that you can get started today to make your kitchen a much greener room.

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Hello, This is Sloth… Can we be Friends?

Green living: Sloths are awesome. They are cute, furry and fun and love to be hugged and snuggled. Unfortunately, the recent attention that they have been enjoying as this year's exotic 'it' pets may drive down their dwindling numbers even further.

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Freak of Nature Thursdays: Miniature Goats

Green living: Miniature goats make for great pets and green lawnmowers! They eat very little, can be house trained, like to walk around on a leash and are cute and fuzzy to boot. They're all the rage in some areas like Australia where waiting lists to buy one are so long, you can wait up to a year to get yours.

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