What did We do with the Prius Today?

Day one: The Prius V is here and it’s all that and a Bag of Chips

Last year for our green living ‘Give it up for Earth Day Campaign’ we gave up our car. It was a big deal because we were very fond of das auto, even though it looked very much like

Das Auto

something that would be driven by a foreign dictator.

Our year of public transport and bike power hasn’t been so bad actually. The Toronto public transport system will get you just about anywhere you want to go with surprisingly few delays. Biking gets you fit and its really nice to be traveling slowly enough to check out everyone’s gardens. (With me, it’s particularly slow…)

But there are drawbacks to using public transport and pedal power. Shopping is a nightmare as I drag my granny shopping cart through the sleet, snow and rain while never being able to buy the big bag of toilet paper. Trudging from the subway to your final destination over the frozen tundra is simply unattractive. Riding a bike in downtown traffic is the scariest thing I have ever done and I’ve swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion. Taking a bad dog on the subway is hard because he thinks its funny to bark at old people and he likes eating gum off the bottom of the seats. What can I say? It ain’t easy being green.

This year we are thinking of a car. But we like patting ourselves on the back about our carbon footprint, so we’re looking at a car that is kind to the environment and makes our everyday lives as easy as 3.14159265359*.

Enter the Prius V. The generous, kind and extremely good-looking people at Toyota have offered us a BRAND NEW Toyota Prius V hybrid for a week, just to get a feel for it. It arrived this morning and after one drive along the lake shore, I’ve already got a crush on it! Will try to be objective as we put it through its paces this week.


What would you like to see us do in our Toyota Hybrid PriusV? Leave suggestions in the comments section or on our Facebook page. 


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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One thought on “What did We do with the Prius Today?

  1. Rob Campbell

    Nice work. I want to see lots of pictures !
    “…Enter the Prius V. The generous, kind and extremely good-looking people at Toyota have offered us a BRAND NEW Toyota Prius V hybrid for a week, just to get a feel for it. It arrived this morning and after one drive along the lake shore, I’ve already got a crush on it! Will try to be objective as we put it through its paces this week.”

    More pictures please.

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