Tips For Turning Your Home Office Into An Eco-Friendly Workspace

The latest figures show that globally, as many as 70% of people work remotely at least once a week. Whether you occasionally work from a corporate office, or work from home every day of the week, successful remote work starts with creating a great home office. When most individuals design their home office, focus is placed on elements that reduce noise, enhance comfort, and foster productivity. In addition to these essential aspects, another important consideration is choosing building materials, furniture and decor that are eco-friendly. With so many people working from home now, making environmentally savvy choices can have a massive impact. Discover useful tips for turning your home office into an eco-friendly workspace.

Use sustainable flooring

When remodeling various parts of one’s home, it is common to install new flooring. However, the type of flooring you select may be incredibly detrimental to the environment. The production methods, materials and chemicals used to make certain flooring types can contribute to climate change and the destruction of natural resources, and can even pose health hazards to you and your family. When looking at the most sustainable options, experts with Mangum Builders suggest using cork, bamboo and sustainable wood. As you explore your choices at a local flooring or home improvement store, ask store representatives about what flooring is most eco-friendly. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional details, and take time to research the companies that produce each flooring option you are considering.

Purchase eco-friendly office supplies

Office supplies are another major category of products that can wreak havoc on the environment. When items such as printer paper, pencils, packaging and the like are not sustainably sourced, the results can be damaging. For example, it has been estimated that the average worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. Additionally, reports that “forests the size of 90 tennis courts are cut down every minute to supply wood to make wooden pencils.” Thankfully, the simple act of shifting your purchasing decisions can have a massive effect. Rather than using conventional products, buy 100% recycled pencils, biodegradable shipping materials, eco-friendly pens, and recycled paper.

Incorporate recycled or used furniture and decor

Another big part of any home office that can either help or harm the environment is the furniture/decor that is used. Countless trees are destroyed each year to make chairs, desks and other pieces of office furniture. As an alternative, choose furniture and decor that are made from recycled materials, or buy used from a resale store. Also, instead of buying decor that is not sustainably sourced, decorate your home office space with plants. Not only do plants and flowers look beautiful, but they can also naturally improve the air quality in your home.

Although it can be easy to overlook, making eco-friendly design choices for your home office is a must. With your remote workspace alone, you have the opportunity to preserve a significant amount of natural resources. In addition to the tips listed above, explore other options on an ongoing basis for making your home office even more environmentally-friendly.


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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