Category Archives: Foraging

4 Fun Alternatives to Coffee Pods

biodegradable coffee pods

The resources used to manufacture, transport and dispose of all those coffee pods is having a very negative effect on the planet. Here are a few alternatives that will still get you a hassle-free morning cup of java without harming Mother Nature.

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How to Have a Wonderful Green Wedding

green wedding tips

Start your new life off the right way with a wedding that is kind to the earth. The wedding industry produces an enormous amount of waste and uses resources that have an impact on our planet. With these tips and tricks you can have a green wedding that saves you money too.

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Best Natural Make-up Review: Lipsticks

organic lipstick review

I love the smell of lipstick in the morning. I was an avid wearer of lipstick until I learned of all the things that went into it. Thankfully we can rely on some organic, natural brands to provide cruelty-free lipsticks that are natural. We recently asked our staff and readers to test a few brands and give us their favorite picks.

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