DIY Tips For Becoming A Greener Business

There are many advantages to going green in your business. Committing to sustainable practices shows your customers that you’re environmentally conscious. It demonstrates to other businesses your leadership by example. It saves money by reducing waste and energy costs. And it also just makes you feel better, knowing that you’re doing the right thing.

Here are a few do it yourself tips on how to get started today on greening up your business; both environmentally and cash-wise.

The one thing you should absolutely not “DIY” is anything law-related. When in doubt, always seek a professional whose business is to know the law and help you comply with it. Business and Commercial Solicitors can advise you on the best ways of sticking to your commitments to going and remaining green, and what can happen when you or other businesses break promises they’ve made to become more sustainable. Rather than waiting until something unexpected happens and scramble in reactionary mode, find a solicitor before worst comes to worst. When it comes to business especially, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

With that said, here are the easiest ways to get started:

No More Plastic Bottles

By splurging a little and installing a water filtration system, you’ll remove yourself from being one of the companies that contributes to the millions of tons of plastic waste filling up landfills annually. You’ll also be saving money in the long run.

Change your Light Bulbs

Go LED and never look back. They save energy, which saves money, and they also run forever, which saves having to spend on replacements.


Plastic bottles, glass bottles, papers, cardboard, food scraps. All of these can be recycled or composted. There are plenty of people who will take your used coffee grounds to use in their gardens, as well as your food scrap compost. A business that reuses and recycles just looks better to everyone. It also creates a more conscious employee culture that they can then bring home to their families to encourage the cycle of recycling.

Cleaner Cleaners

Almost every cleaning product on the market has a green alternative nowadays. Non-toxic options are not only better for the environment, they’re better for the health of everyone who comes in contact with them.

Get Everyone Involved

Educate your staff on the new practices that you’re implementing. Get them excited about the possibilities ask for their input in how you can go green. Instill a sense of responsibility and ownership in everyone by asking for help in making the transition. Make them proud to work for an environmentally-conscious company. Write down your green goals and place them in communal areas where everyone can be reminded of best practices.

Create incentive programs for employees to encourage them to adopt a greener lifestyle. Contests, events, fundraisers, volunteering projects; all of these not only serve to promote a healthier way to do business, they also show your employees and your customers that you care about the environment and that you’re working to become a leader in sustainability movement.


Nikki is an author and writer specializing in green living ideas and tips, adventure travel, upcycling, and all things eco-friendly. She's traveled the globe, swum with sharks and been bitten by a lion (fact). She lives in a tiny town with a fat cat and a very bad dog.

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